The on-line dressmaker service will allow you to obtain through videoconference or even face to face information and advice about different aspects related to your clothes.
Clothing alteration or clothing transformation advice, or even we can make pants, shirts, jackets, party dresses models, and much more in our sewing workshop in Madrid. Yes! It is possible to make online custom made clothes. ! ask us!
Another aspect with which the dressmaker through our online service can help you is to give you ideas about how you can recycle clothing that you no longer use and turn it into current garments, and functional.
You can also get ideas about how to transform or fix the clothes in our Sewing Blog
If you live in Madrid for a very reasonable price you will have the advice of your personal dressmaker, who will be there wherever you need it.
And if what you need is to make customized clothing, or consult different aspects of our sewing service, a conversation with the dressmaker, followed by a visit to your home, is the perfect choice for you to make the right decision. Even if you do not live in Madrid, we can make your custom made clothes. You just have to send us your size, body measures, and a garment similar to the one you want to make you know that it fits you. If for example, you want a custom dress, you send us the dress and when we finish the job we will return it with the garment you asked for. As simple as that!
If the distance does not allow it, you have the possibility to contact by video-conference, from your mobile, tablet or personal computer, and comment on any matter related to the arrangements of your clothes via Skype or WhatsApp.